Happy Feet is an Academy Award-winning Australian-produced 2006 computer-animated comedy-drama musical film, directed and co-written by George Miller. It was released in North America on November 17, 2006 and produced at Sydney-based visual effects and animation studio Animal Logic for Warner Bros. and Village Roadshow Pictures. It is the first animated feature film produced by Kennedy Miller in association with Animal Logic. Though primarily an animated film, it does incorporate live action humans in certain scenes. The film was simultaneously released in both conventional theatres and in IMAX 2D format.The studio has hinted that a future IMAX 3D release was still a possibility.Happy Feet won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature after failing to win the Annie Award for Best Animated Feature.
The film was dedicated in memory of Nick Enright, Michael Jonson, Robby McNeilly Green, and Steve Irwin.
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